HS technology


Are you looking for product descriptions, catalogs, brochures, spare parts lists or other information?

We at HS-Technik always endeavor to provide you with all documents for all tool generations available from us. However, if you cannot find the document you require below, please use our contact form.


Battery charging technology
Blind riveting technology
TBASL series 
TorqBee HT series  
Double spindle screwdriver
Electric screwdriver technology TBe series 
Torque wrench WrenchBee
HS-T Aerospace
Torque measurement technology
MARK 10 - 2017

Mark-10 Series F digital force gauges

Home and Life 2019 brochure 
Industry brochure 2019


2017-05-22 Homologation complete TB-A-EC-20 
2017-06-18 Homologation complete TB-P-SO-4 
2017-06-20 Homologation complete TB-P-SO-6
2017-06-24 Homologation complete TB-A-SO-10
2017-06-26 Homologation complete TB-P-L-6 
2018-07-25 Homologation complete TBPL-10xx_TBPSO-10xx_TBPSOP-10xx
2018-08-21 Homologation complete TBPL-12xx_TBPSO-12xx_TBPSOP-12xx 
2018-09-03 Homologation complete TBAL-12xx_TBASO-12xx_TBASOP-12xx 
2018-09-09 Homologation complete TBPEC-12xx tool 
2018-09-11 Homologation complete TBAL-20_TBASO-20xx_TBASOP-20xx 
2020-11-13 Homologation complete-TBAL_SO_SOP-55-XX 
2019-01-31 Homologation complete TBAL-30XX_TBASO-30XX_TBASOP-30XX
2020-11-13 Homologation complete TBAL_SO_SOP-85-XX 

Operating instructions

Operating instructions

Screwdriving technology

TorqBee HT series

Blind riveting technology

NutBee NBLx-xx
NutBee NBPx-xx
RivBee RBLx-xx
RivBee RBP-xx and RBPF-xx


BTC-Tool Controller
BTC-PN/PB extension
BTC Software

HST Tool Manager

HST-Tool-Manager Screwing tools
HST-Tool-Manager Blind riveting tools

Charging technology

Electric screwdriver


NetBee plug-in nut selectors

Warranty provision

Warranty provision

Warranty provisions


Certificate ISO 9001, HS-TECHNIK GmbH 05.11.2024


HST-Torq-Analyzer V3.11 
TBe-Manager V2.11

Supplier information

Supplier information

Supplier information